
Get Best Services
For Business
More than 5000 clients are satisfied withour consulting program!


01. Company Overview

02. Our Process

03. Company Values

04. What We Do

05. Business Overview

06. Management Team

High-Class Business Consultations

We can help you with any business issue you faced in your activity. Our consultants have rich experience in problem solving.

You can find the most fresh and successful ideas for your business, get professional consultation of financial or law expert, share your experience with business community. We provide objective, fee-based advice and asset management, with an aim to help you build a better financial future..

We were founded in 2004 to help businesses with personalized financial guidance. We are highly skilled in finance, economics, taxation, government regulation, marketing and many other. We are able to analyze any activity and provide with the bulk of solutions how to decrease your expense, use hidden opportunities and what spheres are good for investment.

Team of Experts

All our team members are high-qualified, educated in top business schools.

Trusted Advisor

Hundreds of businesses chose us and were satisfied with the services they’ve got.

Award Winner

We were awarded Advisor- 2016 in the nomination “Clear Tax Regulation”.

Profitable Cases

Statistics says that 95% of businesses we worked with achieved success.



To empower global businesses throughinnovative and efficient Business ProcessOutsourcing solutions, enhancingcustomer experiences and drivingsustainable growth.


at ABC SALE INT, we envision a futurewhere every business around the globeexperiences unparalleled growth andsuccess through our partnership. We aimto be a beacon of innovation andreliability in the Business ProcessOutsourcing industry, consistentlyexceeding expectations.

Our vision is to create enduringrelationships built on trust and mutualsuccess, where our clients feel supported,understood, and valued. We strive to notjust meet the global standards ofexcellence but to redefine them, ensuringthat every interaction with us is a steptowards a more prosperous and fulfillingbusiness future.

Meet Our Devoted Team!

We value our team members, their intellect and decision-making characters. We are proud we managed to gather smart, talented and client-oriented staff, and we are happy to introduce them to our clients!

Stacy Winter

Stacy sees new perspectives in the most complex situations and never gives up when working with such projects.

John Smith

Award-winning financier. He helped many companies to save their assets during crisis.

Ann Rogers

Ann joined our team in 2012 to help businesses escape from crisis and difficulties.


At ABC SALE INT, we specialize in weaving the fabric of businesssuccess through our bespoke Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)solutions. Our services are a tapestry of innovation, care, andexcellence, designed to seamlessly integrate with your businessneeds.

Customer Service Excellence: We are the voice of your brand,engaging with your customers with warmth, empathy, andefficiency. Our team ensures every customer interaction is apositive and fulfilling experience, building loyalty and trust.

Technical Support with a Human Touch: Technology can becomplex, but our support isn’t. We provide clear, concise, andfriendly technical assistance, ensuring your customers feelsupported and valued.

Sales Support that Drives Growth: Our sales strategies aretailored to resonate with your target audience. We don’t justsell; we connect, understand, and then offer solutions thatmeet your customers' needs, driving growth for yourbusiness.

Back-Office Operations: The Backbone of Your Business:From data management to administrative tasks, we handlethe crucial but often unseen aspects of your business. Ourback-office support is the silent engine that keeps youroperations running smoothly.


Core Values

At ABC SALE INT, our core values are the essenceof our corporate identity and the compass thatdirects our actions and decisions.

  • 1. Integrity and Trust: We believe in doing businesswith honesty and transparency. Our integrity isthe foundation of the trust we build with ourclients, partners, and employees.
  • 2. Customer-Centricity: Our clients are at theheart of everything we do. We are dedicated tounderstanding their unique needs and deliveringsolutions that not only meet but exceed theirexpectations.
  • 3. Innovation and Adaptability: In a rapidlyevolving world, we embrace change andinnovation. We continuously seek new ways toimprove our services and adapt to the changingneeds of the market and our clients.
  • 4. Excellence and Quality: We strive for excellencein all our endeavors. Our commitment to qualityis unwavering, whether it's in the services weprovide, the relationships we build, or theresults we deliver.
  • 5. Teamwork and Collaboration: We believe in thepower of teamwork. Our collaborative culturefosters a supportive environment where diverseideas and perspectives are valued andencouraged.
  • 6. Sustainability and Responsibility: We arecommitted to sustainable practices andresponsible business. We recognize our role inthe broader community and strive to make apositive impact on society and the environment.


Meet the dynamic and experienced management team at ABC Sales, a group ofprofessionals who are at the forefront of driving our company's success. Ourleaders bring a diverse range of expertise and insights, combining years ofindustry experience with innovative strategies to steer ABC Sales towards newheights.

Each member of our team is committed to excellence, demonstrating a deepunderstanding of market trends, a passion for customer satisfaction, and arelentless pursuit of growth. Together, they embody our core values and arededicated to empowering our employees, nurturing client relationships, anddelivering outstanding results.

Aaron Loeb

HR Manager

Daniel Gallego

Chief Sales Officer

Neil Tran


Chidi Eze


Chad Gibbons


Donna Stroupe


Get In Touch

Please, don’t hesitate to contact us via method being the most appropriate for you. We will call you back shortly!





Visit Our Company at

Address: 4578 Marmora Road, Glasgow

Have a Questions? Call us

Phone:+27 072 257 3751

We are Open

Working time: Monday–Friday: 08:00–18:00;

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